Rent a Boat Berlin (Boat License Required)

houseboat Theresa stern

These Boats can only be Rented with a EU-Boat-License

These boats have powerful engines with over 15 hp and may therefore only be driven with a boat licence (inland). Only driving licences from the EU that have been explicitly issued for inland waters are permitted. For example an international "Power-Boat-License" is not permitted.

Boat Rental

Knobelsdorffstr. 17
14059 Berlin

Office opening hours:
Daily 10:00 - 19:00

Please make an appointment


Please use this contact form for general questions about boat rental in Berlin or if you own a boat, ship or raft and want to post it on our website. For specific questions about individual boats and rafts, please always use the contact form of the respective boat. Your message will then reach the right contact person immediately.

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