Please use this contact form for general questions about boat rental in Berlin or if you own a boat, ship or raft and want to post it on our website.
For specific questions about individual boats and rafts, please always use the contact form of the respective boat. Your message will then reach the right contact person immediately.
Our team consists of true Berliners. With more than 100 boats in our repertoire, we are your first point of contact for ships, partyboats and houseboats in Berlin. Based in the capital, we know every operator and boat personally. We are close to the customer and find the right boat for every budget.
Lots of good humor and an always cool head make Lisa our telephone acrobat. She has a firm grip on the steering wheel and navigates our lively bunch. She likes to share her passion for water and advises you on all questions concerning our boats. Quick-witted and charming, she finds a solution for every problem.
He is the captain of the Mathilda and the heart and soul of our favorite boats (Mathilda, Goldelse and Beluga). He keeps calm in every situation and a smile on his face.
He is the founder of Berlin boat rental. His hobby became a vocation. You could lovingly call him "obsessed" because he has made it his mission to share his love of boats with everybody. Thus, he is rarely on the road without a notebook and mobile phone to promptly implement the wishes of his customers.
Our communication officer on the phone. Manuel takes care of all your questions about boat hire and ensures unforgettable events on the Mathilda.
The urge for perfection puts Sven at full speed. True to the motto: "There is always something to do!" There is no stopping him from taking things apart and putting them back together! No plank or screw is safe from him! With the most beautiful workplace in Berlin, he tends to forget his way home in the evening.
For 15 years, Georg Groddeck has been our top choice for the maintenance and repair of diesel engines as well as onboard electrics. As an independent specialist, he can also take care of your boat if needed. You can reach him at +49 176 - 39 7777 71.