Self-Catering, Extras and Drinks


Self-Catering, Extras and Drinks

You can bring your own food and drinks (free of charge). The only condition is that you take your rubbish and empties home at the end (preferably with a car - under no circumstances place on the street). You will need: Cups (no glass), plates, cutlery and ice cubes for the cooler (approx. 10 kg). If you want to do something good for our environment, everyone brings their own crockery.

We offer the following optional extras
(please be sure to specify at the beginning of your booking):

  • cups, wooden cutlery & palm leaf plates (per pers.): 3,50 €

  • gas grill (incl. gas and cleaning): 40 €

  • ice cubes and cool packs: 30 €

  • waste disposal (60 L): 20 €

  • beverage flat rate (per guest & hour): 9,90 €
    Soft drinks | beer | wine | prosecco (incl. cups, cooling and ice cubes)

Our tip: Book the grill, tableware, ice and waste disposal. This way you don't have to carry much and save a lot of money. Most groups bring their own salad, baguettes and barbecue (steaks, grill cheese, vegetables). If you want to carry even less, simply book the drinks package as well.

In the case of external catering, all catering equipment must be brought by you and taken back immediately after the tour. Storage in the harbor is not possible. Delivery and disposal must take place within the booked time.

Catering Beluga & Goldelse

Knobelsdorffstr. 17
14059 Berlin

Office opening hours:
Daily 10:00 - 19:00

Please make an appointment


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